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Razuzdanka, 2015

Trainwreck, Japonska, ZDA, 125 min

Imdb ocena 6.2

Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični

Igrajo: Colin Quinn, Devin Fabry, Carla Oudin, Amy Schumer

Režija: Judd Apatow

Avtorji: Amy Schumer

Jezik: angleški

Razuzdanka - Trainwreck

Slovenski opis filma:

Vselej je vedela, da monogamija ni prava stvar, a zdaj se mora boječa novinarka pri reviji Amy (Amy Schumer) soočiti s svojimi strahovi: zaljubila se je v očarljivega in uspešnega športnega terapevta Aarona Connersa (Bill Hader).Judd Apatow, avtor komičnih uspešnic "Dekliščina" in "Super hudo", prinaša nepopisno zabavno komedijo, katere scenarij je napisala priljubljena stand-up komičarka Amy Schumer in v njej odigrala vodilno žensko vlogo. Amy živi divje in razuzdano življenje brez ovir in nikomur se ne misli opravičevati za svoja dejanja. Že v mladosti ji je malopridni in prešuštni oče (Colin Quinn) uspešno vcepil prepričanje, da je monogamija nenaravna in nestvarna. Odrasla Amy dela kot novinarka pri neki reviji ter živi po očetovem načelu: nebrzdano veseljači in popiva, moške menjava pogosteje kot spodnje perilo in se ne obremenjuje z dolgočasnimi romantičnimi zvezami. A v resnici jo lastna svobodomiselnost čedalje bolj muči. Nepričakovano se zaloti, da se je zaljubila v očarljivega in uspešnega športnega terapevta Aarona Connersa (Bill Hader), s katerim je pripravila intervju za svoj članek. Amy si ne more kaj, da ne bi bila sumničava in nezaupljiva do vseh odraslih, vključno s tem novim tipom, ki mu je iz nekega razloga sama iskreno všeč. Kaj pravzaprav hoče od nje?

Originalni opis filma:

Despite having a love/hate relationship with her scoundrel of a father Gordon Townsend, the one thing Amy Townsend has grown up believing from him is that monogamy isn't realistic, he and Amy's mom who broke up due to infidelity when Amy was young. As such, she gets drunk and stoned frequently in her pursuit of indiscriminate sex, with an unstated rule that there is no sleeping over once the sex is over. Her current "boyfriend", Steven, believes they are exclusive, not knowing that she sleeps with other men. Working at sensationalistic magazine S'nuff under head sensationalist Dianna, Amy is in line for a promotion, she certain to get it if her next story meets Dianna's scrutiny. That story is a profile of sports doctor to the stars, Dr. Aaron Conners, it despite Amy knowing nothing about sports. To Amy's amazement, Aaron wants to date her following their first sexual encounter, his sexual history in terms of quantity which is in extreme contrast to her own. Also to her amazement, she kind of wants to date him, the entire ritual of being the one person in another person's life a foreign concept to her. The road to a happy ending for the two is not guaranteed as their very different sexual histories and very different perspectives on sexual life may make them incompatible despite truly liking each other as people. Ensuring that his man Aaron is happy and doesn't get hurt in the process is someone who seems to take Aaron's personal life even more to heart than he does: LeBron James.