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Šef, 2014

Chef, ZDA, 114 min

Imdb ocena 7.3

Žanr: komedija, drama

Igrajo: Jon Favreau, John Leguizamo, Bobby Cannavale, Emjay Anthony

Režija: Jon Favreau

Avtorji: Jon Favreau

Jezik: angleški, španski

Šef - Chef

Slovenski opis filma:

Zgodba v ospredje postavi strastnega kuharja Carla Casperja, ki si želi ustvarjati lastne dobrote, vendar starokopitni lastnik restavracije zatre vse njegove želje. Po novi slabi oceni kuharskega kritika Carl pusti službo in se na prigovarjanje prijatelja poda na povsem novo avanturo. Z družino in zvestimi prijatelji začne pripravljati hrano v starem tovornjaku in svoje kuharske mojstrovine prodaja na ulicah Miamija, ob tem pa znova spoznava svoje pozabljene strasti in talente.

Originalni opis filma:

Carl Casper is an acclaimed chef with a family life that seems as decaying as his artistic freedom. Those frustrations boil over into a raucous viral-videoed public confrontation against a restaurant critic who panned his cooking of food that his boss ordered him to make against his instincts. Now with his career ruined, Carl's ex-wife offers an unorthodox solution in Miami: refit an old food truck to offer quality cooking on his own terms. Now with his young son, Percy, and old colleague, Martin, helping, Carl takes a working trip across America with that truck to rediscover his gastronomic passion. With Percy's tech savvy and Martin's enthusiasm, Carl finds that he is creating a traveling sensation on the way home. In doing so, Carl discovers he is serving up more than simply food, but also a deeper connection with his life and his family that is truly delicious in its own way.