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Klub zdravja Dallas

Klub zdravja Dallas, 2013

Dallas Buyers Club, ZDA, 117 min

Imdb ocena 8.0

Žanr: biografski, drama

Igrajo: Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto, Denis O'Hare

Režija: Jean-Marc Vallée

Avtorji: Craig Borten, Melisa Wallack

Jezik: angleški, japonski

Klub zdravja Dallas - Dallas Buyers Club

Slovenski opis filma:

Leto produkcije: 2013 Država: ZDA Žanr: biografska drama Režija: Jean-Marc Vallée Igrajo: Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto, Steve Zahn, Griffin Dunne Teksačan Ron Woodroof je električar in spreten kavboj, znan po svojem zabavljaškem in brezbrižnem načinu življenja. Ko leta 1985 izve, da je okužen z virusom HIV, se njegov svet nenadoma obrne na glavo. Po napovedih zdravnikov mu ostane le še 30 dni življenja, toda Ron smrtne kazni ne sprejme in se spopade s smrtonosno boleznijo. V boju z zahrbtnim virusom ugotovi, da je zdravljenje v ZDA izjemno omejeno, saj so dovoljena le redka zdravila. Odpotuje v Mehiko, kjer se seznani z alternativnimi načini zdravljenja. Navkljub nasprotovanju zdravstvene in znanstvene skupnosti, kamor sodi tudi njegova zaskrbljena zdravnica Eva, prične zdravila tihotapiti v ZDA. Sicer homofobični Ron presenetljivo najde zaveznika v enem izmed številnih obolelih nesrečnikov. Rayon je transseksualec z izjemno voljo do življenja. Da bi se izognila kaznim zaradi nelegalne prodaje, skupaj ustanovita klub, ki ljudem, okuženim z virusom HIV, omogoča dostop do novih zdravil in dodatkov. Globoko v osrčju Teksasa tako zaživi upanje za vse, ki se spopadajo z neizprosno boleznijo. Na čelu vse večje skupnosti prijateljev in strank se Ron bori za dostojanstvo članov, jih seznanja s stanjem, v katerem so se znašli, ter se zavzema za njihovo sprejetje v družbi. V letih po šokantni diagnozi živi polno življenje kot še nikoli prej. Izjemen film je leta 2014 dobil kar tri oskarje. Najbolj bleščava sta bila seveda igralska kipca – dobila sta jih Matthew McConaughey in Jared Leto, prvi za glavno in drugi za stransko vlogo.

Originalni opis filma:

Dallas 1985. Electrician and sometimes rodeo bull rider Ron Woodroof lives hard, which includes heavy smoking, drinking, drug use (primarily cocaine) and casual sex. He is racist and homophobic. While in the hospital on a work related injury, the doctors discover and inform him that he is HIV+, and that he will most-likely die within thirty days. Ron is initially in angry denial that he would have a disease that only "faggots" have, but upon quick reflection comes to the realization that the diagnosis is probably true. He begins to read whatever research is available about the disease, which at this time seems to be most effectively treated by the drug AZT. AZT, however, is only in the clinical trials stage within the US. Incredulous that he, as a dying man, cannot pay for any drug which may save or at least prolong his life, he goes searching for it by whatever means possible. It eventually leads him to Mexico and a "Dr." Vass, an American physician whose license was revoked in the US because of his AIDS related work against US regulations. Dr. Vass leads Ron to a cocktail of other drugs, some vitamins, he believes are more effective in treating the symptoms, since the virus, as Ron learns, will always be in the system of those who have been exposed to it. Ron begins to smuggle these drugs not approved by the FDA into the US, not only for his own use but for sale to other HIV+ persons. In this venture, he goes into an unlikely partnership with a HIV+ transgender woman named Rayon, who he met in the hospital and who has greater contact with AIDS patients through the gay community. As they try to work both above ground to get the meds to those that need them and underground to avoid detection by especially the FDA, Ron comes up with an idea to circumvent the fact of selling the drugs - which are not considered drugs yet since they are not FDA approved - directly to the HIV+ population, which then should should not be against the law. Richard Barkley and Dr. Sevard, t