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Ujemi Gringa

Ujemi Gringa, 2012

Get the Gringo, ZDA, 96 min

Imdb ocena 7.0

Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Mel Gibson, Kevin Hernandez, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Jesús Ochoa

Režija: Adrian Grunberg

Avtorji: Mel Gibson, Stacy Perskie, Adrian Grunberg

Jezik: angleški, španski

Ujemi Gringa - Get the Gringo

Slovenski opis filma:

Gangster Driver na begu pred ameriško obmejno patruljo v vozilu dirja do mejne ograde, se dobesedno prebije v Mehiko in konča v zaporu.Okoreli kriminalec Driver gre korak predaleč, ko skuša okrasti mafijskega šefa. Na begu pred kriminalci in policisti pristane v Mehiki, kjer ga zaprejo v velikanski zaporni kompleks. Driver počasi spoznava, da v zaporu veljajo povsem drugačna pravila preživetja, saj so kriminalci vzpostavili svojo oblast znotraj ječe. Nepričakovano se zbliža z mladeničem, ki postane tarča vodje zapornikov, zato se Driver odloči, da mu bo pomagal preživeti v neusmiljenem okolju vsakdanjih okrutnosti, izsiljevanj in umorov.

Originalni opis filma:

Heading toward the Mexican border, a getaway driver disguised as a clown and his wounded accomplice try to escape the American Police with a loot of over $2 million hidden in the trunk of the car. In a desperate attempt to break through the thick border fence, the driver crashes the car, the accomplice dies and he inevitably gets apprehended by Mexican Police officers Romero and Vasquez who want the money just for themselves. As the only American inmate in the infamous "El Pueblito" Mexican prison, which resembles more of a small village of convicts rather than a usual prison, the driver quickly gets the nickname "The Gringo" and finds out first hand how rough it is to be a stranger in the perilous world of Javi, the ruthless crime lord who runs the prison. Sooner or later, the Gringo will form an alliance with a 10-year-old kid whose peculiar immunity in this mad place will efficiently keep him alive, only to realise that in this pit, everyone knows about the $2 million. In the end, with an order issued for his execution and knowing that his time is short, will the Gringo manage to save himself and the kid's family, get his money and ultimately escape once and for all from the El Pueblito?