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Zelena svetilka

Zelena svetilka, 2011

Green Lantern, ZDA, 114 min

Imdb ocena 5.5

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Mark Strong

Režija: Martin Campbell

Avtorji: Greg Berlanti (scenarij), Michael Green (scenarij), Marc Guggenheim (scenarij), Michael Goldenberg (scenarij), Greg Berlanti (screen story), Michael Green (screen story), Marc Guggenheim (screen story)

Jezik: angleški

Zelena svetilka - Green Lantern

Slovenski opis filma:

Hal Jordan je drzni in neodgovorni testni pilot, ki si je vse od očetove smrti v nesreči letala želel postati kar se da najboljši pilot. Ne zaveda se, da mu je usoda namenila veliko večjo vlogo. Globoko v vesolju zlobni Parallax seje strah in sovraštvo povsod, kjer se pojavi, edino upanje za galaksijo pa predstavlja enota Zelenih svetilk, skupina medgalaktičnih bojevnikov z močno voljo in željo, da bi prevladalo dobro. Ko eden izmed članov Zelenih svetilk, Abin Sur, po smrtonosnem soočenju s Parallaxom pade na Zemljo, njegov čudežni prstan za svojega novega lastnika izbere Hala. Ta tako postane prvi človeški član Zelenih svetilk, odločen, da se bo uspešno zoperstavil Parallaxu. Slednji pa svoj vpliv kmalu razširi tudi na Zemljo.

Originalni opis filma:

In a mysterious universe, the Green Lantern Corps, an elite defense force of peace and justice have existed for centuries. Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan acquires superhuman powers when he is chosen by the Ring, the willpower-fed source of power. Reluctantly at first, he takes on the challenge after the death of Abin Sur, the finest Green Lantern. Putting his self-doubts aside, and spurred on by his sense of duty and love for his beautiful, intellectually equal, colleague, Carol Ferris, he is soon called to defend mankind from Parallax, a powerful, evil being who feeds on fear. Hal Jordan is the universe's last chance, as many Green Lanterns have been killed and the Corps is weakened. And he might just be the right Green Lantern for the duty of keeping the world safe from harm.