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Ugrabljen, 2011

Abduction, ZDA, 106 min

Imdb ocena 5.0

Žanr: akcijski, misterij, triler

Igrajo: Jake Andolina, Oriah Acima Andrews, Ken Arnold, Maria Bello

Režija: John Singleton

Avtorji: Shawn Christensen

Jezik: angleški

Ugrabljen - Abduction

Slovenski opis filma:

Kolikor daleč nazaj se spomni svoje preteklosti, ima srednješolec Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) neprijeten občutek, da živi življenje nekoga drugega.Ko Nathan po naključju naleti na svojo fotografijo iz otroštva na spletni strani pogrešanih oseb, se njegovi najbolj črni strahovi uresničijo: ugotovi, da njegovi starši niso tisto, kar je mislil, in da je vse njegovo življenje spretno načrtovana pretveza za prikritje nekaterih temačnih in nevarnih skrivnosti, ki si jih sploh ne predstavlja. Ko začne sestavljati resnico o svoji pravi identiteti, se nanj spravi ekipa poklicnih morilcev, za pete pa se mu prilepi agent Cie Burton (Alfred Molina). Prisiljen se je zateči k edinemu človeku, ki mu zaupa, sosedi Karen (Lily Collins), v katero je že več let skrivaj zaljubljen. Vsaka sekunda šteje, ko se Nathan in Karen podata v beg pred vojsko morilcev in zveznimi agenti. Njegovi nasprotniki so vse bližje, Nathan pa ugotovi, da bo preživel in skrivnost rešil le tako, da bo nehal bežati in stvari vzel v svoje roke.

Originalni opis filma:

High school seniors Nathan and Karen find a website with photos of children who are missing or believed abducted. One of the photos is of Nathan as a child, putting into question the identities of the couple whom he's always called Mom and Dad. Contacting the site to learn more only results in Nathan becoming the target of an intense, high-tech, international manhunt. Before his "parents" can explain themselves, they are executed by hired guns, and Nathan is on the run with Karen in tow (who just happened to be there at the wrong time). Phone use by either of them only connects directly to a man claiming to be C.I.A., in whom they find reasons not to trust. With encroaching shootouts, car chases, hand-to-hand combat and explosions around them, this seems quite much for a mere case of child abduction, and Nathan can only rely on the wrestling, boxing and martial arts skills taught by his "dad" to protect both himself and Karen as they follow a lead to find Martin, Nathan's biological father, who can likely shed light on what all this is about.