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Postreli jih

Postreli jih, 2007

Shoot 'Em Up, ZDA, 86 min

Imdb ocena 6.7

Žanr: akcijski, komedija, kriminalni

Igrajo: Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti, Monica Bellucci, Stephen McHattie

Režija: Michael Davis

Avtorji: Michael Davis

Jezik: angleški, italijanski

Postreli jih - Shoot 'Em Up

Slovenski opis filma:

Hertz je vodja ekipe skrivnostnih morilcev, ki dobijo na videz preprosto nalogo: ubiti nosečnico. Vendar se Hertzu niti sanja ne, kako zelo se stvari lahko zapletejo. Še preden tarčo pokončajo, jim na pot stopi skrivnostni gospod Smith, ki v toči krogel reši njenega novorojenčka. Besni morilci so odločeni, da bodo dokončali svoje delo, zato Smith na begu pred njimi moči združi z zapeljivo pocestnico DQ. Toda nobeden od njiju se ne zaveda, da sta se znašla sredi zarote velikanskih razsežnosti.

Originalni opis filma:

Late at night, in an unnamed U.S. city, a solitary man sits at a bus stop. A pregnant woman runs by, pursued by a man with a gun. With reluctance, the man at the bus stop rescues her and assists with the baby's delivery, while additional pursuers fire at them, including the gang's particularly nasty leader, an intuitive man named Hertz. Our hero, known only as Smith, determines to save the child and find out why Hertz wants the baby dead. At a local bordello, he tries to employ a lactating hooker to watch the child, but things quickly escalate, and this makeshift family is soon on the run. Heavy metal music calms the baby. Why? A laboratory, gun factory, and presidential campaign all figure in Smith's quest for the child's safe deliverance.