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Moja super bivša

Moja super bivša, 2006

My Super Ex-Girlfriend, ZDA, 95 min

Imdb ocena 5.1

Žanr: komedija, romantični, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris, Rainn Wilson

Režija: Ivan Reitman

Avtorji: Don Payne

Jezik: angleški

Moja super bivša - My Super Ex-Girlfriend

Slovenski opis filma:

Razdreti zvezo je težko, v filmu pa vidimo, da lahko postane celo nevarno.Sramežljivi in osamljeni Matt Saunders na podzemni spozna Jenny Johnson in jo povabi na zmenek. Jenny se vanj takoj zaljubi. Ko seksata, mu razkrije svojo pravo identiteto, da je namreč superjunakinja. Zahtevna Jenny postane kmalu ljubosumna in manipulativna, zato se Matt z njo razide in ji stre srce, ona pa mu zagreni življenje. Nato Jennyjin smrtni sovražnik Matta prepriča, naj Jenny premami, da se odreče svojim močem.

Originalni opis filma:

In New York, when the shy and lonely project manager of a design firm Matt Saunders meets Jenny Johnson in the subway, he invites her to date and have dinner with him. Jenny immediately falls in love for him, they have sex and she discloses her true identity to him, telling that she is the powerful superhero G-Girl. After meeting his co-worker and friend Hannah Lewis, the needy Jenny becomes jealous, controlling and manipulative, and Matt follows the advice of his best friend Vaughn Haige and dumps her, breaking her heart. Jenny turns Matt's life into hell, while he has a romance with Hannah. However, the archenemy of G-Girl and former high school sweetheart of Jenny, Professor Bedlam, proposes Matt to lure Jenny to strip her superpowers.