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Glasniki vetra

Glasniki vetra, 2002

Windtalkers, ZDA, 134 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: akcijski, drama, vojni

Igrajo: Nicolas Cage, Adam Beach, Peter Stormare, Noah Emmerich

Režija: John Woo

Avtorji: John Rice, Joe Batteer

Jezik: angleški, navajščina, japonski

Glasniki vetra - Windtalkers

Slovenski opis filma:

Ameriška vojska med drugo svetovno vojno sprejme Indijance iz plemena Navajo in jih izuri za šifrante.Na začetku 2. svetovne vojne so Japonci v zelo kratkem času dekodirali vsako ameriško vojaško sporočilo. Slednje je usodno vplivalo na napredovanje ameriških sil na Pacifiku. Njihove akcije so bile upočasnjene, žrtev med ameriškimi vojaki veliko. Leta 1942 pa se je ameriški mornarici pridružilo več sto Indijancev iz plemena Navajo, ki so jih izurili za vojaške šifrante. Nove kode so temeljile na njihovem nenapisanem jeziku in zapletenih narečjih. Epska vojna drama govori o prijateljstvu, ki se splete med izjemno redkimi šifranti ter njihovimi telesnimi stražarji, elitnimi belopoltimi marinci.

Originalni opis filma:

During World War II when the Americans needed to find a secure method of communicating they devised a code using the Navajo language. So Navajos were recruited to become what they call code talkers. They would be assigned to a unit and would communicate with other units using the code so that even though the enemy could listen they couldn't understand what they were saying. And to insure that the code is protected men are assigned to protect it at all costs. One of these men is Joe Enders, a man who sustained an injury that can make him unfit for duty but he manages to avoid it and is told of his duty and that the man he is suppose to protect is Ben Yahzee. Initially there is tension but the two men learn to get along.