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Patriot, 2000

The Patriot, ZDA, Nemčija, 165 min

Imdb ocena 7.2

Žanr: akcijski, drama, zgodovinski

Igrajo: Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson, Jason Isaacs

Režija: Roland Emmerich

Avtorji: Robert Rodat

Jezik: angleški

Patriot - The Patriot

Slovenski opis filma:

Zgodba se odvija leta 1776, v času ameriške revolucije. Pripoveduje o povsem običajnem človeku, ki je razpet med družino in dolžnostmi do domovine. Nekdanji vojak Benjamin Martin se je odrekel vojskovanju, da bi v miru vzgajal svojo številčno družino. Žena, ki je pred kratkim umrla, mu je rodila sedem otrok. Zdaj je na obzorju nova vojna in Benjaminu ni niti najmanj do tega, da bi se znova bojeval. Drugače je z njegovim najstarejšim sinom Gabrielom. Fant se brez pomislekov in kljub očetovemu nasprotovanju pridruži vojakom. Ko pa sovražnik ogrozi Benjaminovo družino, se Benjamin odloči, da stopi sinu ob bok in tudi sam ponovno obleče vojaško suknjo.

Originalni opis filma:

It is 1776 in colonial South Carolina. Benjamin Martin, a French-Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, now wants nothing more than to live peacefully on his small plantation, and wants no part of a war with the most powerful nation in the world, Great Britain. Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to enlist in the newly formed "Continental Army." When South Carolina decides to join the rebellion against England, Gabriel immediately signs up to fight...without his father's permission. But when Colonel William Tavington, British dragoon, infamous for his brutal tactics, comes and burns the Martin Plantation to the ground, tragedy strikes. Benjamin quickly finds himself torn between protecting his family, and seeking revenge along with being a part of the birth of a new, young, and ambitious nation.