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Poštar, 1997

The Postman, ZDA, 177 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, drama

Igrajo: Kevin Costner, Will Patton, Larenz Tate, Olivia Williams

Režija: Kevin Costner

Avtorji: David Brin (novela), Eric Roth (scenarij), Brian Helgeland (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški

Poštar - The Postman

Slovenski opis filma:

Piše se leto 2013. Medtem ko Amerika trpi za posledicami vojne, v deželi vlada popolna anarhija, vojska krutega generala Betlehema pa ustrahuje prestrašene prebivalce. Nekega dne sem zanese osamljenega popotnika Kevina Costnerja. Ta med brezciljnim tavanjem najde zapuščeno opremo nekega poštarja, poleg pa cel kup pošte iz preteklosti, ko je bilo življenje popolnoma drugačno in ga je bilo lepo živeti. V upanju, da bo dobil hrano in zatočišče, se obleče v najdeno uniformo in se ljudem predstavi kot poštar.

Originalni opis filma:

In the year 2013 civilization has all but destroyed itself. After a war that decimated the government and most of the population of the United States (possibly the world) people struggle to survive against starvation and rogue groups of armed men. One such group is called the Wholeness. This group is bigger than any other and their leader, General Bethlehem, has delusions of ruling the country. A drifter is captured by the group and forced to join. He escapes at the first chance and happens on a mail jeep with a skeleton in it. The skeleton is wearing a postal uniform and the drifter takes it to keep him warm. He also finds a mailbag and starts conning people with old letters. The hope he sees in the people he delivers to changes his plans and he decides that he must help bring the Holnists down.