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Dan, ko so odšli starši

Dan, ko so odšli starši, 1993

The Day My Parents Ran Away, ZDA, 96 min

Imdb ocena 3.6

Žanr: komedija

Igrajo: Matt Frewer, Robert Jayne, Brigid Brannagh, Seth Green

Režija: Martin Nicholson

Avtorji: Handel Glassberg (tv priredba)

Jezik: angleški

Dan, ko so odšli starši - The Day My Parents Ran Away

Slovenski opis filma:

Matt je povsem običajen najstnik, ki si tako kot večina njegovih vrstnikov želi, da bi se njegovi starši odselili od doma in ga pustili pri miru. Želja se mu uresniči, ko se njegova starša, naveličana vsakdanjih tegob, ki jima jih povzroča njun sin, odločita, da se bosta odselila od doma. Matt sprva ne more verjeti, da se mu je nasmehnila takšna sreča, toda ko mora nenadoma skrbeti sam zase, hitro dojame, da svoja starša še kako potrebuje. Toda ali bosta sploh hotela priti nazaj?

Originalni opis filma:

At one time or another, most teenagers have fantasized about being rid of their parents, living in a huge house and having unlimited access to a credit card. All three wishes come true for tough-talking 16-year-old Matt Miller when his fed-up parents leave him to start life anew. Despite the potential for teenage fun, Matt finds that life on his own is more difficult than he anticipated, particularly after the laundry piles up and he grows tired of TV dinners. Suddenly, Matt wants his parents back. However, after Matt tracks his parents down, they deliver a big surprise: they're not returning home.