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V zadnjem trenutku

V zadnjem trenutku, 1992

Final Analysis, ZDA, 124 min

Imdb ocena 5.8

Žanr: drama, triler

Igrajo: Richard Gere, Kim Basinger, Uma Thurman, Eric Roberts

Režija: Phil Joanou

Avtorji: Robert Berger (zgodba), Wesley Strick (zgodba), Wesley Strick (scenarij)

Jezik: angleški

V zadnjem trenutku - Final Analysis

Slovenski opis filma:

Dr. Isaac Barr je šarmantni psihiater iz San Francisca. Njegova lepa pacientka Diana trpi zaradi travmatičnih dogodkov iz preteklosti. Diana mu predlaga pogovor z njeno sestro, da bi tako našla rešitev problema. Tako Isaac spozna privlačno Heather in se dokoplje do srhljivih skrivnosti iz otroštva obeh sester. Heather je tudi poročena z nasilnim gangsterjem Jimmyjem Evansom. Ker se Isaac in Heather neustavljivo privlačita, to sproži plaz dogodkov, ki nazadnje pripeljejo celo do umora.

Originalni opis filma:

A psychiatrist (Gere) has an affair with his patient's sister (Basinger) who is married to a Greek mobster (Roberts). The mobster is a tyrant over his wife. The psychiatrist wants her to get a divorce, but she is afraid of what her husband would do. She has a medical condition that becomes apparent when she drinks. One night she drinks anyway and attacks her husband. The psychiatrist uses his professional pull to try and help her out of the consequences of her actions, but becomes uncertain if she is telling him the truth.